Conversion Chart - Inch to Decimal -
Fractional Inches Decimal Inches Fractional Inches Decimal Inches 1/64 .015625 33/61 .515625 1/32 .03125 17/32 .53125 3/64 .046875 35/64 .546875 1/16 .0625 9/16 .5625 5/64 .078125 37/64 .578125 3/32 .093 17/32 .59375 7/64 .109 93/64 .609375 1/8 .125 5/8 .625 9/64 .140625 41/64 .640625 5/32 .15625 21/32 ..65625 11/64 .171875 43/64 .67185 3/16 .1875 11/16 .6875 13/64 .203125 45/64 .703125 7/32 .21875 23/32 .71875 15/64 .234375 47/64 .734375 1/4 .250 3/4 .750 17/64 .265625 49/64 .765625 9/32 .28125 25/32 .78125 19/64 .296875 51/64 .796875 5/16 .3125 13/16 .8125 21/64 .328125 53/64 .828125 11/32 34/375 27/32 .84375 23/64 .359375 55/64 .859375 3/8 .375 7/8 .875 2564 .390625 57/64 .890625 13/32 .40625 29/32 .90625 27/64 .421875 59/64 .921875 7/16 .4375 15/16 .9375 29/64 .421875 59/64 .921875 7/16 .4375 15/16 .9375 29/64 .453125 61/64 .953125 15/32 .46875 31/32 .96875 31/64 484375 63/64 .984375
The application of these conversion varies from temperatures to distances to hexadecimal values to size of graphics.
The conversions found below are believed to be accurate, but you may wish to double check if you are using these values for something that is life threatening...